Palais de Rumine Description of the Palais de Rumine by Marcel A. Matthey, 1972 (PDF): Notice on the origin and installation of the geological museum of Lausanne by E. Renevier in 1895 (PDF): Gallery Swiss Society of Natural Sciences 109th annual session - 1928 Geology study room Palm trees of Rumine Paleontology Library Palais de Rumine from the front Palais de Rumine from the front Palais de Rumine from the front Drawing of the Palais de Rumine Credit: Musée de l'Elysée Mineralogy Laboratory Fossils Fossils Entrance to the Renevier room Basin of Rumine Geology workshop General Assembly of the Swiss Society of Engineering Architects - 1932 General Assembly of the Swiss Society of Engineering Architects - 1932 Links Leaflet about the Palace: de Rumine, 1906-2006: What have you done with your hundred years? on the Palais de Rumine in the Bulletin technique de la Suisse romande: