Participation of women in paleontological and geological research:the case of the Cantonal Museum of Geology, Lausanne during the 20ème century
Text by Aymon Baud - FGSE, ISTE, Geopolis - 4438, University of Lausanne
We present here twelve female doctors of science who have made a career in paleontology or geology and whose names are linked to the constitution and study of the collections of the Geological Museum of Lausanne or to publications related to the Museum. As curator, I succeeded Mrs. Alice Schnorf-Steiner six years after her retirement, and as director in 1986, I had the opportunity to participate in the research and subsequent publications detailed below.
Other paleontologists who specialized in fossil radiolarians participated in the research of the Institute of Paleontology of the University of Lausanne with Professors Jean Guex and Peter Baugartner, such as Ruth Jud, Spella Gorican or Elizabeth Carter; and if they published their theses in the Mémoires de Géologie de Lausanne, they did not have any publications directly related to the collections of the Geological Museum.
She studied Sciences at the University of Lausanne, and started the paleontological study of the secondary Stromatopores (Coelenterates) and presented a remarkable thesis in 1931 which was published in 1932. Hired in 1952 as curator at the Geological Museum of Lausanne, she continued her studies on stromatopores and one of the great specialists of this group, M. Lecompte, wrote that the work of Mrs. A. Steiner is one of the most important that has been published on the structure of the Stromatoporoids of the Mesozoic and on their general systematics.
After presiding over the Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles from 1958 to 1960, she became the first woman president of the Swiss Paleontological Society in 1963. She continued her work until her retirement in 1966, while leading the complete renovation and updating of the innumerable paleontological collections housed in the Museum, including a first catalog of types. A species name will be dedicated to her -SteinerellaShe is the author of 34 new type species deposited in the Museum.
Bibliography of Ms. Alice Schnorf-Steiner
- Steiner, A., 1930. Study of the glacial benches of the Bagnes valley. Mém. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. Vol. 3/8,273 - 311
- Steiner, A., 1932. Contribution to the study of secondary Stromatopores. Doctoral thesis. Mém. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. Vol. 4/3,105-220
- Schnorf-Steiner, A.,1954. On two Elks found in bogs. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. Vol. 66 no 287,55- 58.
- - 1954. A skull of Bison priscus. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. Vol. 66. no 287,59 - 60
- - 1955. Polymorphism in Burgundia trinorchiiMunier-Chalmas. Compte rendu de la Soc.Paléont. Suisse, 34e . Eclog. Geol. Helv. 48/2,464 - 467
- - 1956. Study of the skeleton in Burgundia trinorchiiMunier-Chalmas. Compte rendu de la Soc. Paléont. Suisse,
- - 1957. Cretaceous stromatopores of the Cantabrian region. Proceedings of the Soc. Paléont. Suisse, 36th assembly. Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 50/2,553-563.
- -1958. About Stromatoporella haugi Dehorne and some related forms from the Senonian of Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhône). Compte rendu de la Soc. Pal. Suisse, 37ème assemblée. Eclog. Geol. Helv, vol. 51/2,452-474.
- - 1960. Some Hydrozoans from the Senonian of Martigues. Compte rendu de la Soc. Pal. Suisse, 38e assemblée. Eclog. Geol. Helv, vol. 53/1,427-437.
- – 1960. Disparistromariaa Actinostromariidae new of the Valanginian of Arzier.Compte-rendu de la Soc. Pal. Suisse, 38e assemblée. Eclog. Geol. Helv, vol. 53/1,439-442.
- - 1960. The Actinostromaria of the Valanginian marls of Arzier. Minutes of the Soc. Pal. Suisse, 39e assemblée. Eclog. Geol. Helv, vol. 53/2,733-746.
- – 1960. Parastromatoporidae nouveaux du Jurassique supérieur et du Valanginien inf rieur duJura. Compte rendu de la Soc. Pal. Suisse, 39e assemblée. Eclog. Geol. Helv, vol. 53/2,
- - 1960. The Milleporidiidae of the Valanginian marls of Arzier. Minutes of the Soc. Pal. Suisse, 39e assemblée. Eclog. Geol. Helv, vol. 53/2,716-727.
- - 1963. The Steinerella of the Valanginian marls of Arzier. Minutes of the Soc. Pal. Suisse, 42e assemblée. Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 56/2,1131-1139.
- - 1963. On some " Chaetetidae " du Valanginien du Jura. Compte rendu de la Soc. Pal. Suisse, 42e assemblée. Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 56/2,1117 - 1129.
- - 1963. On a marmot deposit on the Quaternary of the Vaud Jura foothills. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. vol. 68 no. 311,291. Eclog. Geol. Helv. vol. 49/2,547-571.
Head of work at the Institute of Paleontology of Geneva, she started in 1970 a collaboration on the study of the Foraminifera of the Middle Triassic of the Prealps with the undersigned, Aymon Baud, then assistant at the Institute of Geology and then at the Museum of Geology, and who started a thesis on this Middle Triassic. This collaboration will lead between 1972 and 1976, to the publication of 4 works of detailed description of the foraminifers of the Formation of Saint-Triphon as well as their zonation. After the study of nearly a thousand samples and thin slides deposited at the Museum, it is also with the help of professor Paul Brönimann that this work was organized, with in addition the discovery and the description of coprolites of decapod Crustacea of which new types and figures. Four typical species of Triassic foraminifera will be deposited in the Museum and thanks to Louisette Zaninetti, it is a group of fossils unknown until then in the Triassic of the Prealps and the Briançonnais which completes the study of the new collections of the Museum. Still with Paul Brönimann, she invited the undersigned to fieldwork on the Permian-Triassic of Iran in 1972 and 1974 and on the Permian-Triassic of Pakistan in the Salt Ranges in 1975. The collections of these missions will be housed and studied at the Geological Museum of Lausanne. She became a professor and was appointed to the chair of paleontology when Professor Brönimann succeeded her. She became Vice-Rector of the University of Geneva in 2010.
Mrs. Louisette Zaninetti in the field in Iran, October 1972
Bibliography of Ms. Louisette Zaninetti in relation to the Museum's collections
- Baud, A., Broennimann, P., and Zaninetti, L., 1974, Sur la présence de Meandrospira pusilla (Ho) (Foraminifera) in the Lower Triassic of Kuh e Ali Bashi, Julfa NW Iran. Pal. Zeitschrift, vol. 483, p. 205-213.
- Baud, A., Zaninetti, L., and Broennimann, P., 1971, Les Foraminifères de l'Anisien (Trias moyen) des Préalpes médianes rigides (Préalpes romandes, Switzerland and Préalpes du Chablais, France). Archives Sc., Geneva, 24, p. 73-95.
- Broennimann P., Zaninetti L., and Baud A., 1972, New thalassinid anomuran (Crustacea, Decapoda) coprolites from the Rigid Median Prealps of Switzerland and France (Chablais). Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud, vol. 21, p. 885-904.
- Zaninetti, L., Broennimann, P., and Baud, A., 1972, Essai de zonation d'après les Foraminifères dans l'Anisien moyen et supérieur des Préalpes médianes rigides (Préalpes romandes, Switzerland, et Préalpes du Chablais, France). Eclog. Geol. Helv. 65, p. 343 -353.
- Zaninetti, L., Broennimann, P., and Baud, A., 1972, Particular microfacies and new Foraminifera from the Upper Anisian of the Rothorn section (Rigid Median Prealps, Diemtigtal, Switzerland). Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud, vol. 21, p. 465-498.
Assistant at the Institute of Geology of Montpellier and author of a thesis on the Triassic layers of Monte Bouliagna in the southern French Alps, she began a collaboration with the undersigned, curator at the Geological Museum of Lausanne in 1972. This collaboration will allow extremely precise correlations of the Saint-Triphon Formation and the units which frame it, of lower and middle Triassic ages, from central Switzerland to the Mediterranean through the western Alps. Several presentations in international conferences as well as the publications that follow, will allow Joséphine Mégard-Galli and her co-author to detail these correlations and to present new methods based on the cyclicity of the carbonate sedimentation and on the newly discovered large transgressive-regressive sequences. With her, great progress in the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Briançonnais Triassic will be accomplished and she will be the kingpin of a synthesis of the Triassic of the Western Alps published in the Mémoires du BRGM in 1984.
It is at the Institute of Geology of Montpellier that she will continue her career.
Mrs. Joséphine Mégard-Galli on the field in 1970.
Bibliography of Ms. Joséphine Mégard-Galli in relation to the Museum's collections
- Baud, A., and Mégard-Galli, J., 1975, Evolution of a carbonate basin in the Alpine marine domain during the preoceanic phase: cycles and sequences in the Triassic of the Briançonnaise zone of the Western Alps and Prealps, in Mangin, P., editor, IXe Congrès International de Sédimentologie. Nice, I.A.S., p. 45 - 50.
- Baud, A., and Mégard-Galli, J., 1977, Les milieux carbonatés du Trias et l'application de méthodes sédimentologiques comme outil de corrélation (France et régions limitrophes). Bull. BRGM, vol. 2e série, section IV, p. 279 -284.
- Baud, A., and Mégard-Galli, J., 1982, Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Triassic of the western and northwestern Alps: the problem of evaporites. Sciences de la Terre, vol. 25, p. 157-158.
- Baud, A., Mégard-Galli, J., Gandin, A., and Amaudric du Chaffaut, S., 1977, Le Trias de Corse et de Sardaigne, tentative de corrélation avec le Trias d'Europe Sud-Occidentale. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série D, vol. 284, p. 155 - 158.
- Mégard-Galli, J., and Baud, A., 1977, Le Trias moyen et supérieur des Alpes nord-occidentales et occidentales: données nouvelles et corrélations stratigraphiques. Bull. BRGM, vol. 2e série, section 4, p. 233-250.
- Mégard-Galli J., Barféty J.C., Baud, A. and Lemoine, M. 1984. The Triassic of the Western Alps. In Debrand-Passard S. et al, Synthèse Géologique du Sud-Est de la France. Mem. BRGM, 125. 82-87.
D. from the University of Geneva and specialist of Permian foraminifers, she was engaged from 1987 to 1990 at the Geological Museum of Lausanne, in a research project of the FNSRS "The Upper Permian Tethysian and the Permian-Triassic transition (sedimentology, stratigraphy, micropalaeontology and correlations)" prepared by the undersigned. In fact, following the work undertaken with Professors Zaninetti and Brönimann on the Permian layers of Iran and Pakistan, the new collections of the Museum of the same age from Greece, Armenia and Turkey required a detailed study. With additional work organized in Greece and the examination of thousands of thin sections deposited at the Museum, Catherine Jenny is working with her colleagues on the publication of four studies on the Permian layers of Greece and in particular of the Island of Hydra. Based on the Museum's collections, her study of colaniella, an important Upper Permian foraminifer, will be internationally recognized. Later, as a research associate at the Museum, she contributed to an important synthesis of the Permian collections that was published in the Mémoire de Géologie de Lausanne no 48 in 2009.
Mrs. Catherine Jenny-Deshusses collaborator at the Geology Museum
Bibliography of Ms. Catherine Jenny-Deshusses in relation to the Museum's collections
- Baud, A., Jenny, C., Papanikolaou, D., Sideris, C., and Stampfli, G., 1991, New observations on the Permian stratigraphy in Greece and geodynamic interpretation. Bulletin of the geological Society of Greece, vol. 25, p. 187-206.
- Baud, A., and Jenny, C., 1991, Permian Stratigraphy of Greece: some new results. in Permian System of the World. Abstract vol, Perm, p. A38.
- Jenny-Deshusses, C., and Baud, A., 1989, ColaniellaA Late Permian Tethyan index foraminifer: proposals for a simplified taxonomy, geographic distribution and environments. Eclog. Geol. Helv, vol. 82, p. 869-901.
- Jenny, C. & Guex, J. 2005. Pathological development in response to environmental stress in some latest Permian foraminifers: preliminary report. Bull Soc vaud Sc nat, 89, 171-184.
- Jenny, C. et al., 2009. Micropaleontology of some Permian localities in the Tethyan realm: inventory of foraminifers and calceareous algae, biostratigraphy and paleogeography. Mémoire de Géologie, Université de Lausanne, vol. 48, 1-136.
- Grant, R. E., Nestell, M. K., Baud, A., and Jenny, C., 1991, Permian Stratigraphy of Hydra Island, Greece. Palaios, vol. 6, p. 479-497.
- Holser, W. T., Schönlaub, H. P., Attrep, M. Jr, Boeckelmann, K., Klein, P., Magaritz, M., Orth, C. J., Fenninger, A., Jenny- Deshusse, C., Kralik, M., Mauritsch, H., Pak, E., Schramm J.-M., Stattegger, K., and Schmöller, R. 1898. A unique geochemical record at the Permian/Triassic boundary. Nature, vol. 337(6202), 39-44.
- Jenny, C., Izart, A., Baud, A., and Jenny, J., 2004, The Permian of lʼîle dʼHydra (Greece), micropalaeontology, sedimentology and paleoenvironments. Journal of Paleobiology, vol. 23, p. 275-312.
- Richoz, S., Baud, A., Jenny, C., & Marcoux, J., 2009. Peculiar water geochemistry and faunal association in Upper Permian carbonate platform and Early Triassic microbial reef in Turkey. Paleozoic Seas Symposium. Ber. Inst. Erdwiss. K.-F.-Univ. Graz, 14, 67.
Project leader at the Institute of Geology-Paleontology of Paris VI, she takes the lead in the study proposals of the Permian-Triassic East European with Jean Marcoux and the undersigned, within the framework of the new European research program "Peri-Tethys". Since 1993, they set in motion proposals for field studies and sampling first carried out in the Dobrogea in Romania, then in Hydra in Greece, in Crimea with Mrs. Galina Kotlyar (see below) and in Oman. With Sylvie Crasquin the collaboration has been very fruitful. The collections of the Museum have been enriched and in 1997 we published a collective work on the Lower Triassic of the Dobrogea which is a reference. The material of his study of ostracodes from the Lower and Middle Triassic of the Dobrogea in 1996 is deposited at the Geological Museum of Lausanne with 15 new species, one of which is a "baudi" species dedicated to the undersigned.
Subsequently, since 1998, she has collaborated with 6 publications on the Permian-Triassic transition layers and their ostracod fauna of this key period of the history of life following the greatest extinction. These are collections from the island of Hydra in Greece, from the Antalya Nappes in Turkey and from the Khuff Formation in Oman from this key period of the history of life following the greatest extinction. Sylvie Crasquin's studies on ostracods partly complement those of Catherine Jenny on the foraminifera of the Permian collections of Greece and Turkey and of Lucia Angiolini (see below) on the Permian collections of Oman and Turkey. She was later appointed Professor at the Museum of Natural History in Paris.
Mrs Sylvie Crasquin-Soleau, in Geoarabia vol 11, 2006
Bibliography of Mrs Sylvie Crasquin-Soleau in relation to the Museum's collections
- Atudorei, V., Baud, A., Crasquin-Soleau, S., Galbrun, B., Gradinaru, E., Mirauta, E., Renard, M., and Zerrari, S., 1997. Extended scientific report of the Peri-Tethys project. in Baud, A., ed. The Triassic of North Dobrogea, Lausanne, Geological Museum, 64 p.
- Baud, A., Crasquin-Soleau, S., and Marcoux, J., 1993, From Permian to Triassic, which events, which correlations, in IFP, ed, Peri-Tethyan Platforms. Arles, p. 9.
- Baud, A., Atudorei, V., Crasquin-Soleau, S., and Gradinaru, E., 1997. Description of the studied areas and sections, in Baud, A., editor, The Triassic of North Dobrogea. Lausanne, Geological Museum, p. 15-32.
- Cordey, F., Marcoux, J., Bucher, H., Girard, C., Lécuyer, C., Crasquin-Soleau, S., Baud, A., and Orchard, M., 1999. Record of the Permo-Triassic Crisis in Oceanic Environments. New Targets in Oman, Nevada, and British Columbia, EUG 99. Terra Abstract. Strasbourg, p. 275.
- Crasquin-Soleau, S., and Baud, A., 1998. New Permian ostracods from Greece (Hydra Island). Journal of Micropaleontology, vol. 17, p. 131-152.
- Crasquin-Soleau S. & De Wever P. (eds) 1999. Peri-Tethys, stratigraphic correlations 3. Geodiversitas, vol. 21 (3).
- Crasquin-Soleau, S., Broutin, J., Roger, J., Platel, J.-P., Hashmi, H.A., Angiolini, L., Baud, A., Bucher, H., Marcoux, J., 1999. First Permian Ostracode Fauna from the Arabian Plate (Khuff Formation, Sultanate of Oman). Micropaleontology 45, 163-182.
- Crasquin-Soleau, S., Richoz, S., Marcoux, J., Angiolini, L., Nicora, A., and Baud, A., 2002, The events of the Permian-Triassic boundary: last survivors and/or first colonisers among the ostracods of the Taurides (southwestern Turkey). Geoscience Proceedings, vol. 334, p. 489-495.
- Crasquin-Soleau, S., Marcoux, J., Angiolini, L., Richoz, S., Nicora, A., Baud, A., and Bertho, Y., 2004, A new ostracode fauna from the Permian-Triassic boundary in Turkey (Taurus, Antalya Nappes). Micropaleontology, vol. 50, p. 281-295.
Subsequent work :
- Baud, A., Crasquin, S., Forel, B., Richoz, S., 2009. The Permian-Triassic transition at the Çürük dağ section. In Baud, A., ed. in IGCP 572 annual Meeting & Field Workshop in southern Turkey, Antalya, Sept. 2-6, 2009, Field Guide Book 1, Antalya, pp. 19-28.
- Baud, A. Crasquin, S. and Kershaw, S. 2009, Report on the first IGCP 572 field workshop, Sept. 2-6, 2009, in Antalya, southern Turkey. Permophiles 54, 29-31.
- Baud, A., Crasquin, S., Kershaw, S., 2010. Report on the First IGCP 572 Field Workshop, Sept. 2-6, 2009, in Antalya, Southern Turkey. Permophiles, 54, 29-31; Albertiana, 38. 14-15.
- Crasquin, S., Baud , A., Kershaw, S., Richoz, S., Kosun, E., and Forel, M.B., 2009, The Permian-Triassic transition in the Southwestern Taurus Mountains (South Turkey). In Baud, A., ed. in IGCP 572 annual Meeting & Field Workshop in southern Turkey, Antalya, Sept. 2-6, 2009, Field Guide Book 1, Antalya, pp. 1-48.
- Kershaw, S., Crasquin, S., Forel, M.B., Randon, R., Collin, P.Y., Kosun, E., Richoz, S., and Baud, A., 2011, Earliest Triassic microbialites in Çuruk Dag, southern Turkey: composition, sequences and controls on formation. Sedimentology, vol. 57, 17 pp.
- Kershaw, S., Crasquin, S., Li, Y., Collin, P.Y., Forel, M.B., Mu, X., Baud, A., Wang, Y., Xie, S., Maurer, F., Guo, L., 2012. Microbialites and global environmental change across the Permian-Triassic boundary: a synthesis. Geobiology, vol.10, p. 25-47.
She specialized in paleontology, in the study of brachiopods, and presented in 1994 her thesis directed by Professor Maurizio Gaetani at the University of Milan on the Permian brachiopods of Karakorum. She then obtained a postdoctoral fellowship to study the Permian brachiopods of Oman from Alain Pillevuit's collection at the Musée de Géologie de Lausanne in 1995 and 1996. Within the framework of the "Peri-Tethys" research program, she was invited to participate from January 6 to 20, 1995 in fieldwork in the Saiwan region, in the central part of the Sultanate of Oman, where an important brachiopod fauna was collected. This fauna as well as that of the Museum will be determined and published in several articles and Lucia Angiolini will participate in other publications made following this fieldwork. Still in Lausanne, with Hugo Bucher she will publish an article on the taxonomy and quantitative biochronology of brachiopods from the Khuff Formation in Oman. With Sylvie Crasquin, she also participated in fieldwork on the Permian of Turkey. She was later appointed Professor in Paleontology at the University of Milan.
Mrs. Lucia Angiolini in 1993
Bibliography of Lucia Angiolini in relation to the Museum's collections
- Angiolini, L., Baud, A., Broutin, J., Bucher, H., Hasmi, H. A., Marcoux, J., Platel, J. P., Pillevuit, A., and Roger, J., 1995a. Sakmarian brachiopods from southern Oman. Permophiles, vol. 27, p. 17-18.
- Angiolini, L., Baud, A., Broutin, J., Hasmi, H. A., Marcoux, J., Platel, J. P., Pillevuit, A., and Roger, J., 1995b. Sakmarian brachiopods from southern Oman. In Coper, P., and Jin, J., ed, Third international brachiopod congress: Sudbury (Canada), Laurentian University, p. 4.
- Angiolini, L., Bucher, H., Pillevuit, A., Platel, J. P., Roger, J., Broutin, J., Baud, A., Marcoux, J., and Hashmi, H. A., 1997. Early Permian (Sakmarian) brachiopods from southeastern Oman. Geobios, vol. 30, p. 378-405.
- Angiolini, L., & Bucher, H. (1999). Taxonomy and quantitative biochronology of Guadalupian brachiopods from the Khuff Formation, Southeastern Oman. Geobios, 32(5), 665-699.
- Angiolini, L., Nicora, A., Bucher, H., Baud, A., Vachard, D., Platel, J. P., Roger, J., Broutin, J., Marcoux, J., Pillevuit, A., and Hasmi, H. A., 1996, Late permian fauna from the Khuff Formation, South Oman. Permophiles, vol. 29, p. 62-64.
- Angiolini, L., Nicora, A., Bucher, H., Vachard, D., Pillevuit, A., Platel, J. P., Roger, J., Baud, A., Broutin, J., Hashmi, H. A., and Marcoux, J., 1998, Evidence of a Guadalupian age for the Khuff Formation of southeastern Oman: preliminary report. Rivista italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, vol. 104, p. 329-340.
- Broutin, J., Roger, J., Platel, J. P., Angiolini, L., Baud, A., Bucher, H., Marcoux, J., and Hasmi, H. A., 1995a, The Permian Pangea. Phytogeographic implications of new discoveries in Oman (Arabian Peninsula). Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Série II a, vol. 321, p. 1069-1086.
- Broutin, J., Angiolini, L., Baud, A., Bucher, H., Wartiti, M. E., Freytet, P., Hasmi, H. A., Kerp, H., Marcoux, J., Platel, J. P., Pillevuit, A., Quesada, C., and Roger, J., 1995b. From marine to continental deposits during the Permian time. The Oman and Moroccan data: paleogeographic implications. Abstract of the Peri-Tethys Meeting, Milano
- Crasquin-Soleau, S., Broutin, J., Roger, J., Platel, J.-P., Hashmi, H.A., Angiolini, L., Baud, A., Bucher, H., Marcoux, J., 1999. First Permian Ostracode Fauna from the Arabian Plate (Khuff Formation, Sultanate of Oman). Micropaleontology 45, 163-182.
- Crasquin-Soleau, S., Richoz, S., Marcoux, J., Angiolini, L., Nicora, A., and Baud, A., 2002, The events of the Permian-Triassic boundary: last survivors and/or first colonisers among the ostracods of the Taurides (southwestern Turkey). Geoscience Proceedings, vol. 334, p. 489-495.
- Crasquin-Soleau, S., Marcoux, J., Angiolini, L., Richoz, S., Nicora, A., Baud, A., and Bertho, Y., 2004, A new ostracode fauna from the Permian-Triassic boundary in Turkey (Taurus, Antalya Nappes): Micropaleontology, vol. 50, p. 281-295.
- Roger, L. Angiolini, M-P. Aubry, A. Baud, C. Bourdillon, J. Broutin, H. Bucher, L. Le Callonnec, B. Galbrun, H. Al Hashmi, J. Marcoux, J. Philip, J-P Platel, P. Razin, M. Renard, Z. Al Suleimani,1995. New data from the Oman expeditions. Abstract of the Peri-Tethys Meeting, Milano.
She is a specialist in the study of large Eocene foraminifera and was hired in 1990 to update the inventory, revise and digitize the famous collection of the Geological Museum of Lausanne from 19ème century of Nummulites collected by Philippe De La Harpe. She was able to complete hundreds of computerized records and confirm the 16 type species reviewed by Schaub in 1980. These types appear in the catalog published in volume 26 of the Mémoire de Géologie de Lausanne: Septfontaine, M., Berger, J. P., & Berger, J. P. 1995. Catalog des types paléontologiques déposés au Musée cantonal de Géologie.
D. student with Professor Maurice Renard at the Institute of Geology of the University of Paris VI, she worked on the geochemistry of samples collected in 1995 in the Dobrogea, within the framework of the program "Péri-Tethys" co-directed by Sylvie Crasquin.
As a complement for her PhD work she came to consult and borrow samples from the Permo-Triassic collections of the Geology Museum of the following localities: Curuck Dagh (Turkey), Sovetchen (Armenia), Julfa, Iran and Nammal (Pakistan). The results were published in 1999 in his thesis, with the sample numbers of the Lausanne museum.
After her doctorate, she will pursue a teaching career in France.
Bibliography of Sofia Zerari-Leduc in relation to the Museum's collections
- Baud, A., Marcoux, J., Cirilli, S., Renard, M. and Zerrari, S., 1996. Tethyan giant carbonate platforms: global change after end of Permian mass extinction. SEPM/IAS Conference, Wildhaus, Switzerland , poster session.
- Renard, M. & Zerari, S. 1997. Preliminary report on trace elements in carbonates. In Baud, A., editor, The Triassic of North Dobrogea. Lausanne, publication of the Geological Museum, Lausanne, chap. 7.
- Zerari Leduc, S. (1999). Etude stratigraphique du Permo-Trias téthysien (sédimentologie, géochimie et magnétostratigraphie) (Thèse de doctorat, Paris 6).
She is Professor of Paleontology at the University of Perrugia (Italy), and has contributed to the study of thin slides from the Permo-Triassic collections of the Geology Museum of the following localities: Curuck Dagh (Turkey), Vedi and Sovetchen (Armenia) and Abadeh (Iran).
It is thanks to his contribution that the concept of a response to the great extinction by the immediate resurgence of algo-bacterial constructions could be established. This new concept will be presented in a publication published in 1997 and which will be a milestone, because it will be followed by hundreds of others that confirm this resurgence in all regions where the marine limestone layers of the Permian-Triassic passage outcrop. A specialist in palynology and the study of the Permian-Triassic boundary, she is also interested in the Canadian Arctic collections brought back and studied by the undersigned at the Museum. In 1998 she obtained a UNESCO scholarship for a brilliant graduate student specialized in palynology, Mrs. Amalia Spina.
From October 1999 to October 2000, Amalia Spina came to study collections from the Sverdup Basin (Canadian Far North) housed at the Museum. This study will lead to several presentations at conferences in 2001 and a manuscript in preparation will unfortunately never be published. She continued her studies in palynology at the University of Calgary and obtained a teaching position (Docente) at the University of Perrugia in Italy.
Simonetta Cirilli and Amalia Spina at the Siena Congress in 2001
Bibliography of Ladies Simonetta Cirilli and Amalia Spina in relation to the Museum's collections.
- Baud, A., and Cirilli, S., 1996, Biotic response to mass extinction: the lowermost Triassic microbialites. in Reitner, J., and Neuweiler, F., editors, IGCP 380. Microbialites - Processes and Product: Göttingen, Germany, abstract, p. 6.
- Baud, A., Cirilli, S., and Marcoux, J., 1997, Biotic response to mass extinction: the lowermost Triassic microbialites. Facies, vol. 36, p. 238-242.
- Baud, A., Marcoux, J., Cirilli, S., Renard, M. and Zerrari, S., 1996. Tethyan giant carbonate platforms: global change after end of Permian mass extinction. SEPM/IAS Conference, Wildhaus, Switzerland , poster session.
- Baud, A. Richoz, S., Cirilli, S. and Marcoux, J. ,2001. Anachronistic facies after mass extinction: the basal Triassic stromatolites and microbial mounds of Western and Central Taurus area (SW Turkey), 4th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Isparta, Turkey, , abstract book, p. 19.
- Cirilli, S., Spina, M., and Baud, A., 2001, Palynology of the uppermost Permian - basal Triassic successions in the High Arctic (Canada) and comparison with some PTB Gondwanian localities, Conference on the Geology of Oman, Abstract Book, Muscat, Oman, p. 28.
- Spina A., Cirilli S. & Baud A., 2001, Palynological characterisation of the P/T boundary by comparison of Sverdrup basin successions (High Arctic, Canada) and PTB Gondwanian localities. Abstract Volume, International Field Conference in Sienna, May 2001, p. 38.
Professor at the VSGEI of St. Petersburg, she will work within the framework of the IGCP programs of UNESCO, that of Peritethys and the Subcommissions of Stratigraphy of the Permian and Triassic. She contributes to the organization of several field meetings with sample collection in which the undersigned will participate, first in Armenia in 1984, in Perm in 1991, in Vladivostok in 1992 and in Crimea in 1996. Samples of the Permian-Triassic transition from all these regions will enrich the collections of the Museum of Geology and will be the subject of publications (among others, Catherine Jenny-Deshusses and Sofia Zerari-Leduc).
Thus, in September 1992, jointly with Galina Kotlyar, Yuri Zakharov and the undersigned, an international congress on the Permian-Triassic was organized in Vladivostok, followed by an excursion to Sikhote Alin, in which Irina Popova participated (see below).
It is within the framework of the Peritethys program piloted by Sylvie Crasquin, that a field campaign of 1996 is organized in Crimea (Ukraine) with the assistance of Galina Kotlyar, study which will lead to the dating of the exotic blocks of this Ukrainian almost-island, the bringing together with the exotic blocks of Kürée (North of Turkey) and the complete publication of the results after the examination of the thin slides in the laboratory of Galina Kotlyar.
Mrs. Galina Kotlyar in St. Petersburg, 1996.
Bibliography of Mrs. Galina Kotlyar in relation to the Museum's collections.
- Kotlyar, G. V., Baud, A., Pronina, G. P., Zakharov, Y. D., Vuks, V. J., Nestell, M. K., Belyaeva, G. V., and Marcoux, J., 1999, Permian and Triassic exotic limestone blocks of the Crimea. In Crasquin-Soleau S. & De Wever P. (eds) Péri-Tethys: stratigraphic correlations 3. Geodiversitas, vol. 21, p. 299-323.
Doctor in paleontology at the Academy of Vladivostok and associate researcher from 1994 to 1999 at the Institute of Geology of Lausanne with Professor Peter Baumgartner she will work for the report of the conferences made in Vladivostok in 1992, 202 pages translated into English which will be published in 1997 in the Memoir of Geology of Lausanne no 30.
Bibliography of Mrs. Irina Popova in relation to the Museum's collections.
- Baud, A., Popova, I., Dickins, J. M., Lucas, S., and Zakharov, Y., ed. 1997, Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Circum-Pacific Events: Biostratigraphy, Tectonic and Ore Deposits of Primoryie (Far East Russia). Mémoire de Géologie (Lausanne), No. 30, 202 pp.
Thanks to Mrs. Catherine Schlegel Rey, director of the geology library, who kindly reread the text with great attention and gave judicious advice.