Jean de Charpentier (1786-1855)
Director of the mines and salt works of Bex, he donated his collection of minerals and rocks to the Museum. Author of several articles dealing with geology and glaciology, he also studied the crystallography of gypsum crystals from Bex and published his observations in 1818-1819 in "Leonhard's Taschenbuch für gessammte Mineralogie" in Frankfurt.
Meisser N., History of the Museum
- Biography of Jean de Charpentier by Dr. H. Lebert, 1878: PDF
H.LEBERT, Biographies de Jean de Charpentier et d'Emmanuel Thomas, in: Actes de la Société Helvétique des Sciences naturelles, compte rendu 1876-1877, Lausanne 1878. pp. 140-164.
- Speech delivered in Bex, during the annual meeting of the S. V. S. N., by E. Wilczek, 1920:
- Page of the historical dictionary of Switzerland (Biography of Marc Weidmann)