Badoux Héli

Masson, Henri. "Héli Badoux (1911-2001): biography and geological work". Text/html,application/pdf, 2003.


  • Born on May 7, 1911 in Lausanne.
  • Native of Cremin (VD).
  • Baccalaureate or Matura: sciences (Lausanne, 1930).
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent diploma: earth sciences (Lausanne, 1934).
  • Doctorate: sciences (Lausanne, 1942 [La Géologie de la zone des cols entre la Sarine et le Hahnenmoos. Ben 1945, X+ 70 p.]).

Career outside UNIL

  • Geologist, Iraq Petroleum & Co. (1936-1941)
  • Geologist, Swiss Mining Office (1941-1946)
  • Geologist, Société générale de recherche de pétrole, Algeria (1946-1950: visiting professor of geology, University of California, Los Angeles (1966-1966)).

Career at UNIL

  • Extraordinary professor (1950-1958), then ordinary professor of geology (1958-1975).
  • Direction of laboratories: Laboratory of Geology and Paleontology (1950-1966), becomes Institute of Geology and Paleontology (IGP) (1966-1975), Laboratory of Hydrogeology of the Institute of Geology which disappears in 1983 (1970-1983).
  • Academic position: Dean of the Faculty of Science (1958-1960). Predecessor: Elie GAGNEBIN (1949). Successor: Arthur ESCHER (1975). Departure: retirement (1975). Honorary membership: in 1975. Societies: Académie Teatina (Belgium)
  • American Association of Petrological Geology
  • Swiss Association of Petroleum Geologists
  • Swiss Geological Survey (1952-1980)
  • Geotechnical Commission (1963-1977)
  • Geological Society of France, corresponding member (1965)
  • Swiss Geological Society, President (1959-1960)
  • Swiss Society of Natural Sciences
  • Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles, president (1953-1954). Professional commission: Swiss Geological Commission.


References: UNILausanne 1975, n° 16, pp. 42-43.


1.-Bersier A. and Badoux H., 1937. A sub-desert eolian formation in the Siderolithic of Mormont (Vaud). Eclogae geol. Helv. 30/2:231-234.

2-Badoux H., 1945. The geology of the pass area between the Sarine and the Hahnenmoos. Mater. Carte géol. Switzerland [N.S.] 84. 70 p.

3-Badoux H., 1946. The Ultrahelvetic to the north of the Valaisan Rhone. Mater. Carte géol. Switzerland [N.S.] 85. 56 p.

4-Badoux H., 1951. Oil in the Middle East. Perspectives 7/6: 21-28.
5 -Badoux H. and Norbert J., 1952. An Ultrahelvetic window in the median Prealps of the Chablais (Vacheresse region). Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 65 (281): 317-321, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne

6-Badoux H., 1953. Maurice Lugeon 1870-1953. Actes Soc. helv. Se. nat.

7-Badoux H. and Trümpy R., 1953. The geology of the Lullin Mountain.

(Median Prealps of Chablais). Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 65 (284):

461-470, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 107.

8-Badoux H., 1954a. An example of authigenic quartz development in the Pre-Alpine Flysch. Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 65 (285): 481- 488, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 108.

9-Badoux H., 1954b. The geology of the surroundings of Plan Névé. Rev. alp. intern. 7: 10-16.

IO.-Badoux H., 1954c. Emmanuel de Margerie 1862-1953. Actes Soc. helv. Se. nat. 1954: 347-348.

11 -Furrer H., Badoux H., Huber K. and von Tavel H., 1956. Gemmi sheet. Geological Atlas of Switzerland 1:25000. Switzerland 1:25000, Comm. geol. Switzerland.

12.-Aubert D. and Badoux H., 1956. Explanatory note Sheet 1 Neuchâtel. General geological map. Switzerland 1:200'000. Comm. geol. Switzerland.

13.-Badoux H. and Guigon Y., 1958. Presence of the Cenomanian Flysch of the Simme in the Valaisan Prealps. Eclogae geol. Helv. 51/2: 380-385.

14-Badoux H. and de Weisse G., 1959. The siliceous bauxites of Dréveneuse. Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 67.4: 169-177, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 126.

15,-Badoux H., Bonnard E.G., Burri M. and Vischer A., 1959. Feuille St. Léonard. Atlas géol. Switzerland l:25'000. Comm. geol. Switzerland.

16-Badoux H., Bonnard E.G. and Burri M., 1959. Explanatory note Feuille St-Léonard. Atlas géol. Switzerland 1:25'000. Comm. geol. Switzerland.

17-Badoux H., Chessex R., Jeannet A., Lugeon M. and Rivier F., 1960. Feuille Monthey. Atlas géol. Switzerland 1:25'000. Comm. geol. Switzerland.

18-Badoux H., 1960a. Explanatory note Feuille Monthey. Atlas géol. Switzerland 1:25'000. Comm. geol. Switzerland.

19-Badoux H., 1960b. Speech by Mr. Héli Badoux, professor at the Faculty of Science. Pubi. Univ. Lausanne 21: 19-23.

20-Badoux H. and Fairbridge R.W., 1960. Slump blocks in the Cretaceous of northern Syria. Proc. Geol. Soc. London 1581: 113-117.

21.-Badoux H., 1961. Jean Tercier 1899-1961. Actes Soc. helv. Sc. nat.: 263- 265.

22-Badoux H., 1962a. Geology of the Valaisan Prealps (left bank of the Rhône). Mater. Carte géol. Switzerland [N.S.] 113. 86 p.

23-Badoux H., 1962b. The geology of the St. Triphon hills. Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 68.1: 35-48, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 133.

24,-Badoux H., 1962. Charles Jacob (1878-1962). Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 68.4: 186.

25-Badoux H. and Mercanton Ch.-h., 1962. Essai sur l'évolution tectonique des Préalpes médianes du Chablais. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 55/1: 135-

26-Badoux H., Gagnebin E., Lombard A., McConnell R.B., de Raaf M.,

Schaub H.-P. and Vischer A., 1962. Lenk sheet. Geological atlas. Switzerland 1:25'000. Geological Comm. Switzerland.

27-Badoux H. and Lombard A., 1962. Explanatory note Feuille Lenk. Geological Atlas. Switzerland 1:25'000. Comm. geol. Switzerland.

28-Badoux H., 1963a. Apropos des Préalpes du Chablais. Paul Fallot II book. Mém. Soc. géol. France: 379-382.

29-Badoux H., 1963b. Le Trias des Préalpes. Colloque sur le Trias de la France et des régions limitrophes. Mém. B.R.G.M. 15: 397-400.

30-Badoux H., 1963c. The ultrahelvetic units of the Zone des Cols. Eclogae geol. Helv. 56/1: 1-13.

31.-Badoux H., 1963d: Les bélemnites tronçonnées de Leytron (Valais). Bull. Soc. vaud. se. nat. 68.6: 233-239, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 138.

32-Badoux H., 1963e. Geological structure of the Waldensian Alps. Les Alpes (Rev. Club Alpin Suisse): 197-199.

33-Badoux H. and Weidmann M., 1963. On the age of the Helminthoid Flysch of the French and Chablais Prealps. Eclogae geol. Helv. 56/2: 513-528.

34-Badoux H. and Weidmann M., 1964. On the age of the Bex saliferous series (Ultrahelvetic). Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 68.9: 427-438, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 148.

35-Badoux H., 1965a. The relationship of the Ultrahelvetic and Median Prealps in the Grande Eau Valley. Eclogae geol. Helv. 58/1:

36.-BADOUX H., 1965b. Feuille Thonon-Châtel. Carte géol. France 1:50'000,

XXXV-28, and explanatory note. Serv. Carte géol. France, Paris. 37-Badoux H., 1965c. Feuille 1264 Montreux. Atlas géol. Switzerland 1:25'000.

Comm. geol. Switzerland.
38-Badoux H., 1965d. Explanatory note Sheet 1264 Montreux. Atlas géol.

Switzerland 1:25'000. Geological Comm. Switzerland.
39-Badoux H., 1965e. Deformation of the Lower Lias of the Wildhorn nappe.

in Drône (Valais). Eclogae geol. Helv. 58/2: 999-1001.

40-Badoux H., 1966. Geological description of the Mines and Saltworks of Bex and their surroundings. Mater. Géol. Suisse, Sér. géotech. 4L 56 p.

41.-Ayrton S. and Badoux H., 1966. Preliminary note on the deformation of rocks in the vicinity of Martigny (Valais). Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 69.4: 205-213, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 161.

42-Badoux H., 1967a. Of some sedimentary and gravitational phenomena related to orogenies. Eclogae geol. Helv. 60/2: 399-406.

43-Badoux H., 1967b. Geology of Switzerland. In Lombard A. (Ed.): Guide geol. Switzerland 1, Wepf, Basel. 44 p.

44-Badoux H., Bersier A. and Vuagnat M., 1967. Excursion No 5 Lausanne-

Montreux-Aigle-Monthey-Martigny. In Lombard A. (Ed.): Guide géol. Switzerland 2, Wepf, Basel: 86-94.

45-Badoux H., Burri M., Lanterno E. and Vuagnat M., 1967. Excursion No. 6 Thonon - Col du Corbier - Abondance - Morgins - Troistorrent. In Lombard A. (Ed.): Guide géol. Switzerland 2, Wepf, Basel: 95-108.

46-Badoux H., Baer A., Burri M. and Vuagnat M., 1967. Excursion no 8 Martigny - Leytron - Riddes - Sion - Sierre - Brig. In Lombard A. (Ed.). Guide géol. Suisse 3, Wepf, Basel: 127-138.

47-Badoux H. and Lombard A., 1967. Excursion no. 12 Spiez - Saanen - Château-d'Oex - Les Mosses - Aigle. In Lombard A. (Ed.). Guide géol. Suisse 3, Wepf, Basel: 174-189.

48-Badoux H., 1968. Remarks on the morphology of the Colorado Plateau. Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 70.1: 1-10, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 170.

49-Badoux H., 1969. Reflections and hypotheses about the Alpine-Dinaric boundary. Eclogae geol. Helv. 62/2: 543-545.

50-Badoux H., 1970a. The Klippes Niesen of the Chamossaire (Vaud Alps). Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 70.7: 321-326 and Bull. Lab.

Geol. Univ. Lausanne 181.
51.-Badoux H., 1970b. The deformed oolites of the Vélar (Morcles massif).

Eclogae geol. Helv. 63/2: 539-548.
52-Badoux H., 1971a. Illustrated encyclopedia of the Pays de Vaud. Volume 2: Une

earth, its origins, its regions. Ch. I: Geological times. Ch. II: The birth of the Alps: 1-29.

53,-Badoux H., 1971b. Explanatory note Sheet 1305 D'de Morcles (2nd ed.). Atlas géol. Switzerland 1:25'000. Comm. geol. Switzerland.

54-Badoux H., Burri M., Gabus J.-H., Krummenacher D., Loup G. and Sublet P., 1971. Feuille 1305 D1 de Morcles (2nd ed.). Atlas géol. Switzerland 1:25'000. Comm. geol. Switzerland.

55.-Badoux H., 1972. Tectonics of the Morcles nappe between the Rhône and Lizerne. Mater. Carte géol. Switzerland [N.S.] 143. 78 p.

56-Badoux H., 1973. Anzeinde and its surroundings, geological overview. Mém. Soc. vaud. se. nat. 15/3: 125-138.

57-Zahner P., Mautner J. and Badoux H., 1974. Hydrogeological study of the thermomineral springs of Lavey, Yverdon and Saxon. Mem.

Soc. vaud. se. nat. 15/5: 209-256.
58-Vernet J-P, Horn R., Badoux H. and Solari G., 1974. Structural study

of Lake Geneva by continuous seismic reflection. Eclogae geol. Helv.

67/3: 515-530.

59-Badoux H., 1975. The detrital Urgonian of the village of Les Diablerets. Eclogae geol. Helv. 68/2: 281-284.

60-Badoux H., 1977a. The geological work of Nicolas Oulianoff. Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 73.4: 418-443, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 226.

61.-Badoux H., 1977b. Geological overview of the surroundings of St. Maurice. In Les fortifications de Saint-Maurice, pourquoi? Assoc. Saint Maurice pour la recherche de documents sur la forteresse: 54-56.

62-Badoux H. and Homewood P., 1978. The bedrock of the

Niesen in the Sépey region (Alpes vaudoises). Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 74.1: 15-23, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 228.

63-Wildberger A., Badoux H. and Nabholz W., 1978. Zur Karst-Hydrologie im Gebiet des Rawilpasses (Berner Oberland und Wallis). Eclogae geol. Helv. 71/2: 277-292.

64.-Aubert D., Badoux H. and Lavanchy Y, 1979. The structural map and sources of the Vaud Jura. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. 74.4: 333-343, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 245.

65.-Weidmann M. and Badoux H., 1979. Arnold Bersier (1906-1978). Biographical note. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. 74.4: 345-355, and Bull. Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 244.

66-Badoux H., 1979. Overview of the geology of the Pont-de-Nant area. In Bex - Pont de Nant, 159th Assembl. Soc. helv. Se. nat., Lausanne: 17-23.

67-Badoux H., Brodbeck J.-F. and Lavanchy Y, 1980. Hydrogeological study of the Haute-Mentue. Mém. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 16.2: 41-88, and Bull.

Lab. Geol. Univ. Lausanne 246.
68- Badoux H., 1980. The salt mines of Bex and their minerals - Die

Salzminen von Bex und ihre Mineralien. The Swiss crystal maker

(Schweizer Strahler) 5/8: 305-319.
69-Badoux. H, 1981. Geology of the Bex Mines, Data 1966-1980.

Mater. Geol. Switzerland, Ser. Geotech. 60. 39 p.
70-Badoux H., 1982a. Zeuzier events and the sounding gallery.

of Rawyl RN6. Bull, techn. Suisse romande 12/82: 155-167. 71.-Badoux H., 1982b. Mines de sel de Bex. Geological and mining overview.

Bull. Geol. Lausanne 265. 24 p.
72-Badoux H., 1988. The ancient Serine at the foot of the Vaud Jura. Bull. Soc.

vaud. Se. nat. 79.2: 113-116, and Bull. Geol. Lausanne 299. 73-Badoux H., 1989a. The lower Ultrahelvetic in western Switzerland. Bull. Soc. fribourg. Se. nat. 77/1-2: 143-152, and Bull. Geol.

Lausanne 302.
74-Badoux H., 1989b. History of the Rhone valley, between Martigny and the

Lake Geneva (VS and VD, Switzerland). Bull. Murithienne. Soc. valais. Se. nat.

107: 213-224, and Bull. Geol. Lausanne 303.
75.-BAD0UX H., 1989c. Godefroy de Weisse 1910-1989. Bull. Soc. vaud. Se.

nat. 79.4:379-381.
76-Charollais J. and Badoux H., 1990. Suisse lémanique, Pays de Genève and

Chablais. Guide géol. régionaux. Masson, Paris. 225 p. 77,-Badoux H., Gabus J.-H. and Mercanton Ch.-H., 1990. Feuille 1285 Les Diablerets (2nd ed.). Atlas géol. Switzerland 1:25'000. Serv. hydrol. geol.

78.-BADOUX H. and Gabus J.-H., 1991. Explanatory note Sheet 1285 Les

Diablerets (2nd ed.). Geological Atlas. Switzerland 1:25'000. Serv. hydrol. geol. nat.

79.-BADOUX H., 1991a. Geology of the Bex Mines, Data 1981-1990. Mater. Geol. Suisse Bull. 88. 12 p.

80-Badoux H., 1991b. Geological overview of the Vallon de Nant. La Thomasia, Jardin alpin de Pont de Nant, Lausanne: 37-43.

81.-Badoux H., 1995. The Rhone glacier in the Pleistocene. Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 83.4: 245-292, and Bull. Géol. Lausanne 329.

82-Badoux H., 1996. The bedrock of the Chablais Prealps. Bull. Soc. vaud. Se. nat. 84.2: 113-124, and Bull. Géol. Lausanne 333.