December 9, 2024

The rising threat posed by landslides and extreme precipitation events has become a critical concern in Switzerland, across the Alps, and globally. With the intensifying effects of climate change, the recurrence intervals of extreme weather events-such as heavy precipitation and increased temperatures affecting snowmelt-are shortening. These events, which were once rare occurrences happening every fifty, hundred, or even thousand years, are now transitioning into more regular phenomena. The increasing frequency of these events calls for a paradigm shift in their classification, from considering them as "extreme" to considering them as new "normal" events.
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May 24, 2024

Visit the Gaudard HouseA lecture by Dr. Aymon Baud (former director of the Musée Cantonal de Géologie) on the creation of the Musée Cantonal de Géologie 150 years ago in this building, and its development on these premises before the Palais de Rumine, will take place on Friday May 24th at 5:00 pm.