Biographical data
Name: Golliez
First Name: Henri (-Louis)
Birth: 09.12.1861 in Lutry
Death: 28.10.1913 in Bern
Place of birth: Lutry (VD)
Nationality: Swiss
Occupation: Prof. UniL (1890-1907)
Higher diploma: EPFZ Switzerland (1882)
Source: Database of Swiss Elites | Golliez, Henri-Louis (1861 - 1913)
- Database of Swiss elites, Golliez, Henri-Louis (1861 - 1913).
- Cover of "Les chaînes Septentironnales des Alpes Bernoises" Bertrand & Golliez, 1897.
- GOLLIEZ, 1887, Science.
- Obituary GDL, 29-10-1913.
- List of publications 1879-1896
- Obituary, Author Unknown.
- The ghost train project that still haunts the Matterhorn, Swiss Info.
- Nekrologie, Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Golliez Henri.
- Funeral of Henri Golliez, 1913
- Pages of the "Cellula Geologica", Golliez
- Note on a flight of butterflies (Vanessa cardui), Bull. S. V. S. N., XVI, 5:37, 1879.
- L'eboulement d'Elm et ses travaux de protection, Journal de Genève, 2 articles, December 1881.
- Note on the largest erratic boulder in the Vaud Jura, Bull.. S. V. S. N. XXIV, p. XXXIII, 1883.
- Les éboulements de montagne en Suisse, Bibliothèque Populaire de la Suisse Romande, February, p. 200, March, 179, 1883.
- Water vapor in the air. - Snow and avalanches, Bibliothèque Populaire de la Suisse Romande, September, 205, October, 198, 1883.
- Note on the Cosmic dust of Krakatoa in the snow dust of the Jura , Bull. S. V. S. N., XX, p. XXXlI, 1884 .
- L'évolution du règne végétal par les fossiles, Revue de Genève, 2 articles, 1884.
- Tumulus of the Iron Age, But.L. S. V. S. N., XXI, p. XXXIV, 1886.
- Note sur les fossiles valangiens du Collas près Sainte-Croix, Arch. Gen., XVI, p. 247, 1886.
- Anticipated perception of rockfalls by animals, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXIII, p. XVIII.
- Scientific talks in the Sower, p. 18, 122, 187. 345, 380, 491, 1888.
- Note on a new cistude, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXIV, p. XXV, 1889.
- The middle cretaceous terrains of the Joux valley, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXIV, p. XXV, 1889.
- Scientific talks in the Sower p.164,134, 1889.
- Note sur quelques chéloniens nouveaux de la molasse Langhienne de Lausanne, MÉMOIRES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ PALÉONTOLOGIQUE SUISSE, XVI, with 15 pl. , 1889.
- The Rochettaz landslide, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXV, p. IV, 1890.
- The erratic magnetite of Mont-la-Ville, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXV, p. VII, 1890.
- Turtles of the Langhian of Borde, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXV, p. XXX, 1890.
- Opening lecture of the course on technical geology: Geology and its applications to the art of engineering. Recueil des discours académiques, p. 315, 1890.
- Opening lesson of the mineralogy course. Same collection, p. 347.
- The Congress of 1894. Proceedings of the International Geological Congress, 5th session, Washington, D.C., Government lmp., p. 84, 1891.
- Sketch of Clilffsdwellings in Walnut Canyon, loc, cit. , p. 475, 1891.
- Panorama from Mount Washburne, loc. cit, p. 359, 1891.
- Whirlpool in Niagara River, loc. cit , p. 458, 1891.
- The Wasltington Geological Congress, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXVIII, p. XV, 1892.
- Geological field trip to Yellowstonepark, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXVIII, p. XV, 1892.
- Rocks of the crystalline points of the Flysch, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXVIII, p. XXX, 1892.
- La magnétite erratique de Mont-la- Ville. Contribution à l'étude de la répartition des matériaux morainiques du glacier du Rhône, Rec. Inaug. de l'Université de Lausanne, p. 455, 1892.
- Compte-rendu d'un voyage dans I'Amérique du Nord (in collaboration with M. Schmidt), Eclogae Geologicae, III, p. 247, 1892.
- The Yellowstone-River National Park in the United States, The New Review, June, p. 256, 1892.
- Presentation of a new profile of the Simplon massif, Act. soc. Helv. p. 58, 1893; Arch. Gen. p. 485, 1893.
- Compte-rendu de l'excursion de la Société géologique dans le Chablais, Eclogae Geologicae, IV, p.88, 1893 .
- Note on the ancient pre-Carboniferous folds of the first Alpine zone and on a Paleozoic pudding of this zone, Eclogae Geologicae, IV, p. 106, :1893.
- Machine for sawing and polishing minerals and rocks, Eclogae Geologicae, IV, p, 128, 1893.
- Coloration of the water of the underground course of the Orbe spring (in collaboration with M. Forel), Bull. S. V. S. N., XXIX, p. XV, 1893.
- Glacial polishes of the City molasse, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXIX, p. XVI, 1893.
- Note on the limestones of the Bernese High Alps, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXX, p. II, 1894.
- The crystalline basement of the Dent de Morcles, Bull. S. V. S. N., XXX, p. V, 1894.
- Coloration of the underground waters of the Vauclusian source of the Orbe (in collaboration with M. Forel), Bull. S. V. S. N., XXX, p. XIV, XVII, XXXVIII, 1894.
- Geological journey in the Swiss Jura, Perte du Rhône, to the Hohentwyl in zigzag. Geological guide booklet in the Jura and the Alps (in collaboration with M. Renevier), Payot, publisher, p. 65, 1894.
- Geological journey through the central and western Alps, from Zurich to Lugano. Geological guide booklet in the Jura and the Alps (in collaboration with M. Renevier), Payot, publisher, p. 197, 1894.
- Jungfrau Railway. -Summary of the geological studies and the resulting conditions, with a map and 7 plates, Zürcher and Furrer, Zurich, 1896.
- Le Congrès géologique international de 1894, Historique et procèsbaux, Lausanne, imp. Bridel et Cte.
- Die geologischen Verhältnisse der Jungfraubahn. Die Schweizerbahnen-Organ fur Eisenbahnwesen Zurich, N° 12, 1896.
- Report on the quality of the rocks of the careers of St-Triphon, Aigle, imp. Dulex, 1896.